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Creating Tooltips

Call the tippy() function by passing in a CSS selector, and give your reference element(s) a data-tippy-content attribute:

<button data-tippy-content="Tooltip">Text</button>
<button data-tippy-content="Another Tooltip">Text</button>

The data-tippy-content attribute allows you to give different tooltip content to many different elements, while only needing to initialize once.

For single elements, you can use the content option:

tippy('#singleElement', {
  content: 'Tooltip',

Target types

The first argument you pass to tippy() is the targets you want to give tooltips to. This can represent one or many different elements.

// String: Any CSS selector is valid

// Element | Element[]: An element or an array of elements is valid
const element = document.getElementById('my-element')
tippy([element1, element2, element3])

// NodeList is valid
const els = document.querySelectorAll('.my-elements')


If your web page has regular server-rendered HTML, and you aren't using a front-end framework like React or Vue, then you can bypass the function call and use the data-tippy attribute:

<button data-tippy="I will be created automatically">Text</button>

Note the lack of -content suffix.

This attribute should only be used for basic tippys that exist on the document on page load. You can avoid it if you want - it's just the quickest way to initialize a tooltip.

Client-rendered elements

Every time you create a new element with JavaScript, you should pass it to tippy() in order to apply a tooltip to it.

const strong = document.createElement('strong')
strong.textContent = 'reference'

// `content` is the JavaScript form of the `data-tippy-content` HTML attribute
tippy(strong, { content: 'tooltip' })

Disabled elements

If an element is disabled, you will need to use a wrapper element (<span> or <div>) in order for the tippy to work. Elements with the disabled attribute aren't interactive, meaning users cannot focus, hover, or click them to trigger a tippy.

<!-- Won't work! -->
<button data-tippy="Tooltip" disabled>Text</button>

<!-- Wrapper <span> will work -->
<span data-tippy="Tooltip">
  <button disabled>Text</button>

⚠️ SVG in IE11

If you need to support SVG elements in IE11, you will need to include polyfills for Element.prototype.classList and SVGElement.prototype.contains.

The easiest fix is to include these scripts in your document before Tippy's scripts:

<script src=""></script>
  if (!SVGElement.prototype.contains) {
    SVGElement.prototype.contains = HTMLDivElement.prototype.contains